According to, they will be selling overstock of the 16GB WiFi Blackberry Playbook this Sunday August 19 for a mere $159.00..Yes you heard correctly. A week after the 4G LTE Playbook launched for $550, you are able to pick up a very similar tablet for near $150 bucks!
There is no mention on how much stuck Staples will carry but the sale is open to online sales as well as in0store purchases with a limit of 2 per person. In our opinion this is such a great deal for this tablet. We have always been a fan of the Playbook and QNX (BB10) and hopefully in January we see the full potential unleashed! If not, you still got a great tablet for $159. While some say they will only purchase the Playbook if the price is similar to the $99 fire sale for the HP TouchPad, at this point RIM continues to support the OS so there is still a good chance for this tablet unlike the dead WebOS on the Touchpad.
Source: Staples
I can’t wait! I am going to go with my family and friends and purchase several of these. BB10 and BBM coming in January!!
Still a waste of money. I made the mistake of purchasing a Playbook when they first came out. Now my kids use it to what Youtube videos. That’s pretty much all it’s good for. My Samsung Galaxy SII phone does everything my Playbook can do and a thousand things more.
Waste of money? Did you pick up your S2 for cheaper then $149 no contract pricing? How about the 7″ screen size ? Despite RIM falling short with QNX/BB10, it definitely has potential and for $149 its the best deal going. I am hopeful there will be more apps for the Playbook in Jan/Feb. Presenting powerpoint presentations wirelessly via a BlackBerry handheld is also great for presenting through HDMI.